
Follow along with us as we travel to Uganda this year and serve alongside Youth for Christ.

Hello from Idudi!

**Quick note: there is some problem with our subscription email service, so you may not be receiving the blog updates via email. I'm working to fix it, but just let people know that they can always check here for updates if they don't get it in their email. Thanks! 

Hello everyone! Due to a power outage and a full schedule, I haven't been able to update you until now. 

Our team just spent the night at a hotel in Idudi, Uganda, which is further east from where we were staying in near Matugga. We took a road trip of about 4 hours yesterday to come here and start working on a project at the Youth for Christ Idudi office. 

They have been working on a new building on their property which will be used to host leadership trainings, discipleship classes, prayer meetings, etc. Under "Grandpa Paul's" leadership, we got to be a part of preparing and laying the new cement floor. Everyone participated in scraping up the top dirt layer and sweeping it away before mixing and spreading cement. Today, we will finish the next layer of cement and a top seal of some kind. The YFC staff have been so welcoming and grateful for our help in getting a full 2+ day project done in a few hours. 

And you have been a part of the work here in Idudi as well! A portion of the money we raised as a team was given to the Idudi YFC office to be able to build the bathroom and water platform outside the new building, as well as the plastering of the building's exterior and the cement for the floor. So thank you for how you have helped make this possible! 

Working inside the new building

You can see the bathroom building and water tower on the right side of this photo
Today we will finish up the work project in Idudi and head back to our original guest house near Matugga. Tomorrow we will get to attend another Ugandan church and experience a more traditional service, so we are looking forward to that and a day of rest. 

Dancing in the afternoon rain
Our little audience grew throughout the afternoon to watch the crazy muzungus working (and playing!)

Getting water for the cement

Mixing and laying the cement on the dirt floor

Shiona got to prove to the Ugandans that she knows how to ride a bike! 
You may have noticed that I have not updated about Thursday and our time spent at Mirembe House and Suubi Home. I have certainly not forgotten that and am working on writing something for you. But it deserved a little more time to tell about it than I have right now to write it in one sitting. So just know that it is coming!